How to search cheapest flight through Google Flights Skyscanner Best Way in 2025

If you also travel by airplane and often look for flight at affordable prices, then we are going to make your work easier. By the way, many tricks will be found online, through which you can search the plight at cheap prices. But we are telling you about two better popular methods, which are usually used to search flight at affordable prices. Here we are telling you how you can save thousands of rupees to use these tools, compare the price of another flight from one flight and find a better option for yourself.

First way to search cheap flight

Step 2: If you are planning to travel somewhere and want to find a cheap flight, then first you go on Google search Google flights Have to type and search it.

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Step 2: After this, Google Flights will now be seen on the screen of your phone or laptop. Here you have to click on the first visible option

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Step 3: You will then be taken to the main page of Google Flights. Here you have to travel from where to travel, where to travel, on which date you have to come back and return on which date, you have to enter this type of information and after that you have to click on the search option.

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Step 4: Now after that, information about all the flights running on that date will come on your screen. Here you can choose the option of the best flight for yourself by comparing your time, convenience and rent. Thus you will help compare the fare of flights running on that day and at a special time and will choose the best.

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Another way to search cheap flight

step 1: If you are planning to travel by flight and want to get the best flight at the least price, then you go to Google for this Skyscanner Have to type and search.

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Step 2: After opening the main page of SKYSCANNER, where you have to travel from, where to travel, on which date to travel and on which date is to come back, you have to enter all this type of information and after that you have to click on the search option.

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Step 3: After entering all the information given above, the Skyscanner will provide information about all the flights running on your screen that day. You can choose the right flight according to your convenience such as time and price and you can also compare other options inside the budget.

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