India Test FIRS NASM Sr first indigenous naval anti ship missle with infrared seeker real time targeting features

The Indian Navy and DRDO have successfully tested the indigenous Naval Anti-Ship missile (NASM-SR) for the first time. The test was done from the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipur, Odisha. The missile was launched by an Indian Naval C King helicopter and it made a small ship target in C-scimming mode in its maximum range. Defense Minister Rajnath Singh congratulated DRDO and Navy on this success. The missile uses modern technology such as man-in-loop technology, indigenous imaging infra-red Sikar and high-bandwidth two-way data links.

PTI has its report (Via NDTVIt is said that this is the first successful test of this special anti-ship missile in India. It was proved in this mission that the guidance system and targeting capabilities of the missile are working perfectly. The missile comes with man-in-loop control, which allows the pilot to change the target during the flight.

In this test, the missile hit its target with full accuracy, which proved that it is capable of killing even smaller ships. Its infra-red imaging Sikar system helps in identifying and locking the target, which increases its firepower significantly.

The most important thing about NASM-SR is that it is completely based on indigenous technology. It has been developed by several DRDO laboratories, such as Research Center Building, Defense Research and Development Laboratory, High Energy Material Research Lab and Terminal Balistics Research Lab.

This achievement of India will increase the strength of the Navy and it will further strengthen Naval Strategy in the Indian Ocean region. Development of such indigenous technology will definitely help Indian defense to become self -sufficient.

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