Watch Instagram Story Anonymously Online Without Seen All Easy Methods Airplane Mode Half Swipe

The Instagram Stories feature lets you share your photos, videos, or text with your followers. It is different from a post or reel because the content in it is automatically deleted after 24 hours. Additionally, the user who uploaded the Stories can see the account names of those viewing his Stories. This means that if you view a user’s Stories, he or she will know about it. However, sometimes it happens that you want to see the stories of a user, but you do not want that user to know about it.

So are there really any ways that allow you to view the Instagram Stories of other users without them knowing? Yes, there are some ways through which you can see a person’s stories and he will not be aware of it. In this article we are going to tell you about these methods.

Method 1: Airplane Mode

This is the easiest way. Open the Instagram app. Now you have to bring up the shortcut panel by swiping down from the top of the screen on your phone and turn on Airplane Mode from here. Now swipe up to return to the Instagram screen and you can see that person’s stories. After watching, you have to close the app and you can turn off Airplane Mode again. By doing this, the user of that account will not be able to see your name on ‘Seen’ of his stores.

Method 2: Half-Swipe

If you view a story by half swiping, your name will not appear in Seen. By doing this you will not be able to see the entire page of the story, but in a way you can peek into the story. If there is a picture in the story, you will see a glimpse of it, but if there is a video, you will neither be able to see nor hear it.

To do this, you have to open Instagram and open the story of the account (other account) before the one whose story you want to see. Now hold down your finger on the screen and half-swipe towards the other account (the user whose stories you want to see). Keep in mind, you have to hold down the finger and only go half the screen. By doing this you will see the story. After this you come back to the previous account and now you can lift the finger from the screen.

Method 3: Third Party Website

Currently, there are many websites on the internet which can show you the stories of those users who are public accounts. This is not the right way from the point of view of morality and privacy, but if you still want to watch someone’s story, then for this you can search on Google using words like ‘Watch Instagram Stories Anonymously’ and the search that comes on top. You can search for that person’s Instagram profile on the website or find it by the profile’s URL. From here you can view the stories of that person without him knowing. Keep in mind, this is not an ethical and privacy practice and we do not recommend you do so.

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